Tweets by HolyCowCanoe
2025 Happy Spring

Tweets by HolyCowCanoe
7890 Highway #7, Guelph, Ontario, N1H-6H8, P – 519-853-9729 Covid-19 Operations Update Defined as an essential service by the province of Ontario, The Holy Cow Canoe manufacturing and repair facility remains operational. To: Holy Cow Canoe Family & Friends; This current unprecedented situation…
We’re Hiring!
For more information on the journey check out the Twitter moments Fairy Lake Dock #Acton
It’s been a wonderful 2017 paddling season. Thank you for graciously allowing us to paddle your calm waters, sharing our passion for the water, and developing new relationships. September 16th and Sept 17th, will be our last weekend at Fairy…
Fairy Lake Dock #Acton Halton Hills is conducting a public consultation survey and are interested in knowing more information regarding the current uses of the Fairy lake dock, and what you would like to see in the future. In response to your feedback from…
Holy Cow Canoe is pleased to offer this new and fun outdoor activity to Fairy Lake. Thinking of something different for date night, girls night out? or something for the kids. Try stand up paddle boarding. We have safe stable…
“Get the camera!!” I heard from residents of Acton on the opening day of our second location. What a day after the several months organizing the new project with the help of the Dufferin Rural Community Centre, and the Agricultural…
We would like to give thanks to the Town of Halton Hills, the Acton Agricultural Society, Dufferin Community Centre as well as the Parks and Rec who have helped launch this wonderful opportunity. Excitement is in the air. Holy…