As a Holy Cow Canoe brand ambassador DJ McPhail will be telling a story of the paddling experience through his photos. As the official Ontario Brand Ambassador for Holy Cow Canoe for 2014 his passion for the natural surroundings matches…
Looking for work?
Fiberglass Layup Technician Acton, ON Various positions available, please email us your resume. We are currently seeking an experienced, hard-working, detail orientated Fiberglass Technician. This person will layup, chop, roll, form and/or assemble fiberglass using various hand tools (rollers,saws, drills,…
Paddling Photo Contest Winners
Thank you to everyone who sent in a photo in our 2014 Paddling Photo Contest! Congratulations to the Pugh family, Ron, Ang, Gabe & Lauren for their winning pic with over 119 likes and lots o’ shares! They have…
American Canoe Association
We are a proud member of the American Canoe Association. The ACA website; “Founded in 1880, The American Canoe Association (ACA) is a national nonprofit organization serving the broader paddling public by providing education related to all aspects of paddling;…
Water Safety Partner for Small Vessels
Holy Cow Canoe has been recognized as an International Safety Partner joining the lifejacket movement to promote personal responsibility through the wearing of lifejackets in small vessels. As a manufacturer of canoes we always encourage the importance of always…
American Red Cross Flood App
Get your family and home ready for a flood. The American Red Cross Flood app is the complete solution you need to understand and prepare for flooding and all that comes with it. Download it directly from the iTunes and…
HCC wins bid for procurement for the Canadian Government
January, 2014 Press release: Every year the Canadian Forces, Garrison Petawawa holds a grueling Iron Man triathlon. This year our Canadian troops will be training and paddling Holy Cow lightweight Kevlar 15′ Algonquin Prospectors. It is with great honor to…
Starting a Canoe Rental Business
Have you ever thought of starting your own canoe rental company? A canoe rental company is the best low-investment rental businesses that can be started. At Holy Cow Canoe we have incentives in place for you to start your lucrative…
Evelyn’s Red Canoe
Now and then, we like to bring out thank you letters like this one, written by Bob Steiger of Blind River, Ontario. It warms our hearts.